
Amy Edwards Amy Edwards

It’s JUNE! The results are in!

Today, I wanted to share a little about the last 12-13 weeks. I have been working with an amazing group of Christian women, who, like me, found themselves addicted to alcohol. It has been an ongoing journey of discovery, and learning to let go of something that we have been conditioned to do. It isn’t their fault they became addicted to a highly addictive substance. Wine is no longer serving them, and this happens to many of us in mid-life. Taking a break from alcohol has so many health benefits—from sleeping better and weight loss to less anxiety and depression. And, for me, a richer, more fulfilling relationship with my Creator. Alcohol dampens everything. When you are comfortably numb, you are numb to everything, and that includes your connection with God. We have been working through a beautiful devotional called "The Plans He Has for Me" and a 13-week program called "Choose Freedom." It has been life-changing, and I truly believe that these women are going to let go of alcohol completely. But, it takes time.

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