April 1st: Some Thoughts About Renewal and Recommitment After Easter
Serving Easter Sunday at Vale Church.
Hey there. So, it's April Fool’s Day. But also, it's Easter Monday, a day that's not just about pranks but about something much deeper. For many, including me, it’s a reminder of Jesus's final forty days on earth and his ascension. It’s a significant moment that symbolizes renewal and making fresh commitments. Whether you're on a journey like some of my clients, trying to live without alcohol, or you're in the same boat as me, attempting to cut down on processed foods and sugars, today feels like a good day to talk about starting anew.
Isn’t it odd how happy moments can lead us straight to the pantry or fridge? You catch yourself reaching for a glass of wine or that hidden or not so hidden stash of Easter candy and wonder, “Why am I doing this?” And yet, there you are, finishing off those jelly beans and Cadbury eggs, questioning your choices.
I've just come out of a three-day carb fest myself, finally catching some good sleep. Was it the exhaustion or cutting off food early that helped? Hard to say, but it’s clear we get trapped in these cycles, and breaking free requires us to be kind to ourselves. We’re often reminded of God's grace, this beautiful concept of receiving love and favor we don’t feel we deserve, especially in moments when we feel least deserving.
Not too long ago, I decided to document my weight loss journey, capturing images that, honestly, have become a source of stress. They were meant to motivate me, yet somehow, they’ve turned into a weapon for my inner critic, bombarding me with negative thoughts. It's a tough spot to be in, being critical of your own progress and appearance.
But, this morning, I made a decision to shift my mindset. To start over—again.
And with that spirit, here’s what I shared with my group today:
Happy Easter Monday! This day marks the 40 days before He (Jesus) ascended to Heaven. “The holiday is prominent mostly in Catholic circles. For those in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Easter Monday, also called Bright Monday or Renewal Monday, is the beginning of Bright Week,” according to a Google search.
I love Renewal Monday. Today, I’m renewing my health journey, and I would like for you to join me. Here are a couple of thoughts: Are you devoted to these next 8 weeks, or are you detached? Are you in alignment for what God wants for you, or are you anxious?
The last few days, I was anxious! Family time makes me anxious, and I reach for substances. My rebellious mind doesn’t like to be told I can’t have this, so it rebelled with candy. But, isn’t that what Eve did in the garden? She was tempted and thought she knew better than what God wanted for her, so she gave into temptation.
So, I was pretty down on myself. The thoughts of how I can lead others came up. I asked myself—Why is letting go of alcohol not a thing for you anymore, and why can't you get this sugar under control? All these thoughts and questions created in me an anxious heart. Sugar and alcohol both make you anxious. They both cause inflammation and create elevated dopamine and blood sugar spikes, creating mood swings and anxiety. Detoxing from these substances causes hormones to be released in our bodies and causes more anxiety as your body rebalances.
For April, I’m giving this over to Jesus. I want to be in alignment with what He wants for me. I want to be devoted to Him. What takes me away from Him? Obsessing about forever and being in control. We are not in control. I’m not in control. I have to surrender these thoughts and capture them. I have to think I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.”
What this verse is saying to me is focus on letting go and letting God. Trust in Him.
This challenge is not forever. It is for a short time to see if you want a life that is less anxious and full of more joy! So here is to this week. I want to live in alignment with what God wants for me. Who's here and committed to this week?
So, I want you to know that you're not walking this path alone. It took me seven years to take a significant break from alcohol and start exploring what life could look like without it. Food? That's another journey altogether. But every day, I’m aiming to make choices that feel right, leaning towards what nature offers, not what's processed in a factory.
Whether today marks a beginning for you or just another step in your journey, know that it’s okay to restart, to recommit, and to rediscover the path to your best self. Here's to finding our way together, with a little help from above and a lot of support from each other.