Sobriety Success: How I Achieved 4 Years Alcohol-Free and Transformed My Life
4 years Alcohol Free! How did this happen?!
It's been four freaking years since my last drink! Hallelujah, seriously! I seriously can't believe it. My life has been forever changed by a moment in the middle of the night, sobbing and crying, "I can't do this anymore! Help me, God, let go of this." God spoke to me that night. Not in an audible voice but through a feeling of impending doom. The voice was mine: "Amy, if you don't quit, you're going to die." I rolled over and picked up my phone, and there she was again, Jenn, "the Sober Sis," encouraging me to just take a break and see what 21 days without the booze would be like. Then, buying the books "This Naked Mind" and "The Alcohol Experiment."
My transformation was a process of small steps and small wins. Making it to Day 5 AF, Day 7 AF, Day 10 AF! It just kept snowballing. Day 14 was amazing! My senses came back online. And there were a lot of hard days AF. Days when I felt off. Days when I was raging and miserable. What helped? Knowing so many others had been where I was and lots of journaling, praying, reading, and listening to quit lit and sober podcasts. I also made taking a break from alcohol a job.
Some things that helped me at the beginning of my journey without alcohol:
LEARNING! I adopted a mindset of curiosity without judgment of my habit.
COMPASSION! I started to be compassionate with myself in all areas of my life. I am an imperfect human who got addicted to a highly addictive substance.
TIME! I decided to give myself time. It took me a couple of decades to get addicted to my precious wine and dark beer, and it was going to take some time to learn to live without it.
TRUTH! Society had lied to me (and you) about alcohol. Everything Big Alcohol promised was delivered when I quit drinking. The alcohol we drink is the same stuff you put in your car but just diluted down so it doesn't kill us immediately. Alcohol is in no way good for your health. The studies have been disproven. It is a Class 1 Carcinogen. No more than 2 drinks a week; after that, it is harming you. Moderation is a lie to get you to buy more. It causes 7 types of cancer – including breast cancer.
Things that happened to me after 30, 60, 90+ days alcohol-free:
I deflated – the bloat left my stomach, face, hands, and feet!
Skin – cystic acne cleared up!
Hair – thicker and lots of baby hair growing in!
NO more hangxiety!
Better at managing my emotions and reactions.
I learned how to respond, not react.
Hobbies and interests came back.
Started a biz to help others!
Marriage improved!
Relationship with God became deeper and more meaningful!
Things that keep me going on this sober journey!
This is a journey that never ends. I now look at life as an experiment to keep learning and growing. When I mess up, I pick myself up, forgive myself, and keep going! At four years alcohol-free, I am so thankful for my addiction to alcohol. It truly was a gift. This journey has given me such wisdom and compassion for others, no matter what their "thing" is. We all have a "thing," and mine was a big ole' pour of Pinot Grigio. Now I have some great non-alcoholic substitutes. I can drink NA wine just like I wanted to when I was drinking alcoholic wine. I can have just one.