It’s All About the Gains! 888 Days AF!
888 DAYS AF!
As my son says, "It's all about the GAINS!"
But when I thought about quitting alcohol, it was all about deprivation! Like many of us, I was focused on what I would have to give up. A completely normal response, by the way.
I was so scared to give up my wine or craft beer because how would anything be fun without alcohol?
How could I socialize without a glass of wine in my hand?
How could I get through events without a beer?
How could I go on vacation?
Finally, how would I be able to toast my kids and their new spouses at their weddings?
I was fixated on missing out! I mean, how can we do anything without a glass or two of wine or a cocktail?
Halfway through the Year!
Here we are; it's the 4th of July weekend already! Summer is half over. Next Tuesday, you will see all the Back-to-School supplies at Target & Walmart, and Hobby Lobby will have "It's Fall Ya'LL" out, and Christmas decorations will begin to appear! YIKES!
So, we are officially halfway through the year. How do you feel? Are the resolutions from January 1st long gone? Or are you still working on them?
This year, personal development has been a priority for me. Healthy life changes like drinking more water, getting better sleep (still a work in progress), and making better food choices. Keeping my morning routine. Not beating myself up if something doesn't go the way I want it to.
am I an alcoholic?
For the longest time, I struggled with the thoughts, "Am I drinking too much? "Am I an Alcoholic?" But, the word didn't fit. I wasn't missing work, no DUI, my relationships were good, and I wasn't drinking any more than my peers.
There is so much talk about self-care. I never thought of exercise as self-care. My idea of self-care was a glass or two of wine. I felt that 20 minutes of release that I got was worth it. At first, that rush was worth it. But little did I know that those drinks were causing so much chaos internally. I mean, red wine is good for us, right? (The answer is no, but that is for another blog post!)