It’s All About the Gains! 888 Days AF!
As my son says, "It's all about the GAINS!"
But when I thought about quitting alcohol, it was all about deprivation! Like many of us, I was focused on what I would have to give up. A completely normal response, by the way. I was so scared to give up my wine or craft beer because how would anything be fun without alcohol?
How could I socialize without a glass of wine in my hand?
How could I get through events without a beer?
How could I go on vacation?
Finally, how would I be able to toast my kids and their new spouses at their weddings?
I was fixated on missing out! I mean, how can we do anything without a glass or two of wine or a cocktail?
I had given a liquid so much power over my life and didn't even know it! You see, alcohol has been woven into our lives since we were babies. I mean, think of it alcohol was in Bugs Bunny cartoons. Back then, Daffy Duck was getting sauced on a martini. Back then, Daffy would have been deemed an "alcoholic" who couldn't handle his drink. It was funny but not benign. The message is that some people can't "handle" their drinks and are alcoholics.
Fast forward to the present day, alcohol is still in children's cartoons & movies, but the parents are drinking at the bar because they can't handle their children, or the only way to handle being a parent is drinking a glass of wine at the end of the day. So naturally, this appeals to the parents. Funny? A few years ago, I would have thought it was funny, but now? Not so much. So many people want to have kids only to drink away the memories they are making with them.
Big alcohol is no different than Big Tobacco; they want our kids and us! They know they are selling a highly addictive substance. But, wait, I'm going to call it what it is a drug. Alcohol gets a special category - Drugs and Alcohol. I call b.s. There is no distinction.
They now have alcohol in kids' movies and t.v. shows directed at kids and teens. The industry knows how powerful advertising is and uses it all the time against us. From Hello Kitty Wine to sponsoring kids' sports, it's no wonder we want to drink when we get in our teens. Parent's drinking and saying no, this is an adult drink. That makes most kids want to sneak it! I sure did!
Studies show that the younger we start drinking alcohol, the more likely as adults we will develop an addictive behavior pattern, many abusing alcohol. But that's our fault, right?
I will link to a fellow TNM Coach's presentation on the alcohol industry. She worked in the industry for years. Click here to watch.
So, I'm on a break of 888+ days, and I've saved some money. I have gained so much from giving up one thing! My life has expanded. I have learned how to reframe limiting beliefs that I had. I don't miss out because I don't drink. Unless you mean missing out on anxiety daily or my body hanging on to cortisol, keeping me stressed and preventing me from losing weight.
A new study was released, and many people who drink regularly 1 or 2 a night or even 2-4 drinks on the weekend have elevated cortisol levels even when they are not drinking. So if you are doing all the right things and just can't lose weight, this could be the reason. Huberman Report
So let's focus on my gains!
Feel amazing!
Sleep better.
Lost weight.
Anxiety Gone!
The Chatter in my Brain is gone!
My learning mindset has returned!
Became a TNM Coach!
Started a business!
Better relationships.
Started a new podcast with my husband!
No FOMO, only JOMO! (Joy of Missing Out!)
Never have to worry about getting a DUI!
I Feel Joy Again!
Complete Liberation!
Who do I work with? I help high-achieving Christian Women who are feeling stuck in a cycle of shame and blame when it comes to their relationship with alcohol. From the outside looking in, it would appear that they have "everything put together," but on the inside, they're struggling between a deep desire to be in full alignment with God and then feeling trapped in a cycle of using alcohol in a way that's no longer serving them. My expertise is in helping women understand the reasons why we drink. Once a woman knows the truth about alcohol and the next best steps to true freedom, she can create a life filled with the abundance & blessings she's always wanted.
Do you want what I have - Real FREEDOM?
Interested? Sign up for a free discovery call, and if we decide to work together, I will bonus you a one free hour session if you book 12 weeks.